According to Radio Vop, South African Afro-pop musical group Freshlyground of the Wacka Wacka world cup fame have been barred from visiting Zimbabwe after throwing bricks and hiding their heads. Freshlyground barked at the wrong tree by Cocking a snook at President Robert Mugabe in a video of their latest single- Chicken to Change. The Cape Town-based group was scheduled to perform at a show which was supposed to be held at one of Harare’s exclusive joints – Wild Geese Lodge next month.
“We are trying to negotiate and i cannot comment much now because we are in the process of negotiations, i should be able to make an official comment tomorrow,” --Sarah Burnett, Freshly Ground spokes person
Event Solutions a Harare-based event management company was organising the high profile show. An immigration official based at the Liquenda House headquarters of the Immigration Department confirmed the cancellation of the group’s
working visas. The department’s policy does not oblige it to give reasons for turning down visa applications.
Freshlyground’s Chicken to Change video, done in collaboration with the satirical internet show Za News pokes fun at president Robert Mugabe. In the song the group’s lead singer Zolani Mahola sings about what a noble “super nova” Mugabe was but then says somewhere along the way he fell. The video which is shown on M-Net was filmed in Cape Town and features Freshlyground members dressed in Zimbabwean –style 1980s fashion. -- Deuces