James Manyika to lead new United Nations Advisory Body that Tackles Risks and Maximize Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, announced the creation of a special team to address the challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) while harnessing its advantages for the betterment of humanity. The UN AI Advisory Body, headed by Zimbabwe-born James Manyika from Google Alphabet, and Carme Artigas from Spain will include 37 members from various fields, such as government, private sector, research, civil society, and academia. 

“Without entering into a host of doomsday scenarios, it is already clear that the malicious use of AI could undermine trust in institutions, weaken social cohesion and threaten democracy itself. For all these reasons, I have called for a global, multidisciplinary, multi-stakeholder conversation on the governance of AI so that its benefits to humanity -- all of humanity -- are maximized, and the risks contained are diminished”, said António Guterres during the launch of the AI Advisory Body.

James Manyika to head new United Nations Advisory Body that Tackles Risks and Maximize Benefits of Artificial Intelligence
James Manyika

Mr. Guterres emphasized the importance of preventing the misuse of AI, which could erode trust in institutions, weaken social bonds, and even jeopardize democracy. He stressed the need for a global conversation on AI governance to maximize its benefits and minimize risks. “This Advisory Body is the starting point. This group will work independently, guided by some basic principles. The Advisory Body’s efforts will be inclusive and based on the universal values enshrined in the United Nations Charter. It will consider how we can link various AI governance initiatives that are already underway”, the UN Secretary-General said.

The UN AI Advisory Body will operate independently, guided by universal values from the United Nations Charter. It aims to link existing AI governance initiatives and submit preliminary recommendations by the end of this year. These recommendations will focus on international AI governance, understanding risks and challenges, and leveraging AI to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

António Guterres highlighted the advisory body's role in preparing for the Summit of the Future and the proposed Global Digital Compact. The advisory body will also consult with the UN's Scientific Advisory Board to harness AI's benefits for the greater good.

This diverse panel includes technology leaders, government representatives from various countries, and academics from around the world. Prominent figures in the tech industry, like Sony's Hiroaki Kitano, OpenAI's Mira Murati, and Microsoft's Natasha Crampton, are part of the advisory board, representing a global cross-section of expertise and backgrounds.

The UN AI Advisory Body signifies a united effort to ensure that AI serves humanity while safeguarding against potential risks.

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Mungwadzi Godwin

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